Horde side Pros
- A Great Guild
- A husband to steal mats and gold off of
- Several farmer alts to help my main out
- Great Friends
- My Cow's Tail
- An Overpowered Emote ( /Moo)
- Lower Population (Easier to get to know people)
Horde Side Cons
- Expensive Prices to buy stuff off the AH
- Low Population (Hard to find people at certain times of the day)
- Large Hit Box (People can reach me from really far away, and I get stuck in doors easily)
- Blood Elves (/twitch)
- Cheap AH Prices
- Larger Population
- More Min/Maxing to raids (1% to hit anyone?)
- Smaller hitboxes (Night Elf)
- Shadowmeld
- Night Elves (are fat and ugly!)
- I'd lose my tail :(
- To large of a population (I don't like being on an overpopulated side, makes me feel like a copycat)
- Gnomes
- Night Elves again
- Did I say Gnomes yet?
Another thing I wanted to look at was my hitbox. I've been a Female Tauren for years now, I can't stand playing a character without a tail for every long. Unless its my Paladin Tank (Who is going tauren as soon as race changes come!) I tried leveling a gnome once. I couldn't stand that the grass in the area was taller than me. I missed the fact that when I would type /Moo...There was no moo sound. At the same time however, I love the fact while playing other toons about how I can fit through doors. Undercity owns Tauren, no doubt about it. I usually end up using Travel Form throughout the whole place since the elevators don't like Tauren.
Still going on with the hitbox, PVP doesn't help either. While some people think Warstomp in PVP is OP, its not very good for a Balance druid who has a melee raping their face in. Unless I'm gonna run over and warstomp a caster, I don't see me using it. Only time I've ever successfully used Warstomp was back in BC when I had high Armor and there wasn't all of those damn Armor Reduction Abilities on every melee swing.
I will admit, I tried to get used to it, I joke all the time about my Feathery butt, my ugliness scaring away the Alliance and more, but at the end of the day, I just can't stand looking at this form. BUT! I figured I should go on about what I have decided. I decided I will stay Horde. For my friends, my guild, my sanity, and my Husband. But I also made a second choice too. I will be going Troll come Race Changes for Druids. Thats right. Unless they make the new Tauren Racials Good, or something that I would atleast have fun with, I will just go Troll. Not because of the graphics (they are all getting redone anyway), but because I want to be able to fit through doors, look a bit better in my gear, and be able to dance like a suga momma!
Yeah, I have one toon I have yet to put on my character list for contacts. I'm actually going to redo the list here in a few days to update with all the toons I actually log on to more than once a month. But here is the thing I have been really keeping secret...
So, yeah..
Foofy is going Troll come Race Change unless Tauren get an OP Racial.
ALSO! As a final note, WTB banner for this site! I used to be able to use photoshop and whatnot, but after I had to reformat due to a soundcard effort, I lost it. So, if you have some good skills with banners and would like to contribute, let me know! I'm just looking for a banner to fit across the top (until the dotted line)
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